Posts tagged ‘law schook’

March 28, 2011

Everyone Fails Law School #5: Let Me Google that for You

This is an actual Gchat conversation I had with a girl I used to TA. Moral: If a classmate or student of yours asks you a question that can be readily answered by Google, you mess with them.

Sorry, Student #1, I had to.

Student #1: hey, do you know what statute CJ stands for?

Mark: Courts and Judicial Proceedings

Student #1: where do u find that?

Mark: i heard it’s on Westlaw

Student #1: where on Westlaw?

Mark: Is that like a Google question or a Mark question?

Student #1: hahaha

Mark: I sent for a search party. HOLD ON!

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Student #1: Stop it. I was kidding. No worries. ill be good

Mark: No no, I insist. I just want to help.

Student #1: its all good. Thank you so much though.

Mark: no no no. It’s too much trouble for you. I WANT to help. Does this help? Clink this link

I’m a 3L. I have time. DID YOU FIND IT YET?

Student #1: Yes. Long time ago. Thanks.

Mark: Please make sure

Student #1: Positive. no worries.

Mark: Ok. Because I just put out a few last minute feelers
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Student #1: You’re  retarded. Not funny at all.

Mark: Funny? Now who’s not taking this tragedy seriously?

Student #1: ugh. You’re being a pain in the butt

Mark: Like this?

Student #1: you’re mean. Really evil

Mark: it’s a curse really. I have a compulsion to entertain myself

Student #1: It’s sick.

Student #1 Signed Off